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Privacy Policy

Personal data

    The administrator of personal data is Perfekt Solutions Ltd, 93 Sharpland LE2 8UP, Leicester, United Kingdom, including company employees who have been properly trained on the protection of personal data in accordance with the company's policy.
    Providing personal data is voluntary and the user has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of his data at any time. To change or delete your data, please send an e-mail to biuro@perfektsolutions.eu
    Personal data is collected during
        registering in the online store, I read onpopolsku.com in order to place an order
        subscribing to the newsletter for the purpose of sending the newsletter
    The administrator has made every effort to adequately secure the personal data provided, in particular against disclosure to unauthorized persons.
    Personal data is stored in a secure database. In order to complete the order, collect payments, the proper operation of the online store, generate invoices, send the order and send the newsletter, the administrator cooperates with trusted partners to whom he provides adequate personal data in a manner secured by appropriate procedures and contracts. Sharing this data does not affect data security and is necessary for the proper provision of services by the administrator.
    The administrator will never sell personal data to other entities
    Personal data is processed taking into account the principles of: accountability, adequacy and reliability.


    In addition to the data provided by customers as part of the processes of browsing the website, registering an Account, purchasing Products and services, using the contact form, subscribing to the newsletter, mechanisms are used to collect and store the following information - using cookie files - data identifying a given person's session in the web browser and on the website servers - with the use of server logs - data such as: IP address, where the request for displaying the website comes from, browser type, browser language, date and time of the event, information about errors that occurred during the execution of the HTTP transaction, if the page was accessed via a link - URL address of the page from which the Customer was redirected to the page